About The Author


Nasser Jahani Asl was born in a Kurdish family in Mahabad, Iran, in 1960. He started his study in Humanity and Economic Geography at the University of Tabriz in 1978. In 1980, the Iranian regime, to Islamize the universities, closed them and conducted the “Cultural Revolution”. Due to his affiliation with a leftist political group, the Organization of Iranian People’s Fadaian (Majority), he was imprisoned by the Iranian regime for six years and four months (1982-1990) and expelled from the university. He and his beloved wife, Jamileh Halabi and their beloved daughter, Rojeh Jahani Asl live in Canada since 1996.

In Canada, he received his BA in Anthropology and Sociology in 2003 and MA in Education in 2007, both at the Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Vancouver. He got his Ph.D. in sociology, at the University of Victoria, British Columbia in 2017. At present, as an independent researcher, he pursues sociological research on Kurdish culture.

About The Book


The struggle of the Kurdish nation in Iran entered a new phase of modern nationalist movement since World War II, especially since the establishment of the Society for the Revival of Kurdistan (J.K.) in 1942. The J.K. was then transformed into the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), which later changed its name to the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) in 1945. Offering a historical sociology, the book argues that this movement should be understood within the context of the state-building process in Iran and nationalist and national liberation movements in the world. It offers, for the first time and in any language, the most extensively researched and detailed history of the PDKI, its struggles for Kurdish national rights, its programs, organizational structure, political strategies, achievements, internal conflicts, splits and unifications, women’s status within it, and its relations with other parties. It critically analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the PDKI.

While the PDKI has championed a democratic Kurdish nationalist movement, it has heavily undermined the democratic principles within and outside the party and underestimated women’s potential within the movement. For the PDKI to re-emerge as a party in sync with our times, it needs to undergo a radical reform and democratize its internal and external relations.

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